Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Adventure to Toys R Us

Today I was feeling a little down. Caden has been sick and we have been tied to the house. I felt like I really shouldn't run him all over town with a cough, congested nose, and ear infection. I have been feeling a little stir crazy. He seemed to be doing better this afternoon and it has been hotter than blazes so I decided that we were going to wander the isles of Toys R Us and find some water guns.

We found some really great deals. I actually got the water guns (super soaker water guns) for $8, regularly marked $19. They were supposed to be 20% off, but someone screwed up and marked them down way to much and then they still gave me the 20% off of that. And guess who got the awesome deal right before the manager went and took the rest of them off the shelf. Sweet!!!! I love a good deal. We then found some great clearance items regularly $ 60, I got them for $16.
We began this shopping adventure by stopping by the gumball machine. Caden decided on the ginormous fruit shaped gum. We put in our quarters and turned the crank. As the gum came tumbling down I thought that it sounded kind of big and heavy. Once Caden got his hands positioned under the machine I opened the little door for the gum to fall out into his hands. We were both astonished to see not 1, but 3 huge pieces of fruit gum come stumbling out of the machine. I just burst out laughing as Caden began jumping up and down cheering with great excitement.

I am also pleased to report that as we were walking into the store my phone rang. I was very glad to see that it was one of my favorite friends to talk to. She's one of those friends that we usually feel better after talking, venting, and laughing with each other for a while. I am grateful for her. So I enjoyed a great conversation with her while I gave Caden a chance to look the whole store over while I followed him around. He was in hog heaven.

We decided to skip the library and the one return I needed to take care of to go straight home and have a water fight with our new water guns. Caden couldn't wait. We had a blast and Caden thought it was hilarious to watch me run from him squealing. I had him laughing so hard that I had to stand still in order for him to hit me with the water. It was great fun and felt really good to get out and laugh a lot.

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