Thursday, May 28, 2009


This is our sweet little Caden, or not so little. He just turned 4 in February and looks like he could be 5 or 6 years old. Caden is a happy little boy with lots and lots of energy. He is a very curious little boy too. He loves to learn new things and is always trying to figure something new out. He went to preschool this year and absolutely loved it. We are definitely looking forward to next year. Caden is also very social. He loves to be around and play with other children. He tells me that we need more kids at our house often.

Caden loves to play all different sports, he is on a soccer team right now. It is so much fun to watch all the kids chase after the ball. He really is pretty athletic. He also enjoys playing with his toys, play dough, and all other art projects and supplies. He enjoys going outside where he can ride his bike, walk his dog, and play in the backyard in the sandbox or on the swing set.

Caden also enjoys listening to music and reading books. He likes to watch movies and is getting to be really good at his video games. (He doesn't always love when mom limits the video game time, but is always happy when we find something else to do that involves running and playing.)

Caden is a really good kid. He is a very loving little boy. He loves babies and is good to be gentle. He likes to help his mom and dad around the house and is quick to get involved in that. He loves to play in water, whether it be in the sink, the tub, or outside with the hose.

We are grateful for Caden. He brings so much joy and happiness to our lives. He is a great blessing to us.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our Journey to Our Family

Mike and I had been married for about a year when we decided that we were ready to start trying to have kids. This started a long and emotional, but character building journey for us. We found that we would have to take the route of infertility treatments due to some fertility health issues on my part. So we met with the good doctor and got started.

On our fourth cycle we got the exciting news that we were pregnant. You can't even imagine how excited we were. Unfortunately a little less then a week later we learned that I was having a miscarriage. After that we kept trying. This is probably one of the hardest most heart wrenching experiences I have ever gone through. It was long and hard and every cycle seemed to end in heartache and frustration. It had been just under two years of the infertility treatments when I decided that I needed a break.

Mike and I talked about taking the summer off from the infertility treatments and set some goals that we wanted to accomplish during that time. One of those things was to take a trip to Hawaii. Sounds romantic doesn't it? Well, I was just hoping that I would cycle on my own so I continued to chart my cycle. It seemed that I was going to cycle. I was just excited about that. Weird huh? I don't think there are many women who can say they were excited to start their period. I never started. And then I started feeling really awful. I called the doctor and had some blood drawn. Yes, we were pregnant!!!

Now, do you remember that romantic trip to Hawaii that we had planned? Well, I was 12 weeks pregnant and sicker then I have ever been before. I spent a large amount of time in my air conditioned room on the bed sipping ice cold water. I told Mike that he owes me a redo on that trip! :)

My pregnancy went well and now we have our sweet little Caden. He is now a very busy 4 year old preschooler. We love him and enjoy having him in our family. He makes my heart happy. He is anxious to have more kids at our house and talks about wanting a baby often.

We have been trying, through infertility treatments, to have another child. We unfortunately have not had any luck with becoming pregnant. Sometimes it is hard to understand the plan that God has for us or why things happen the way they do. I try to be patient, but the heartache is still there. This time around is different than before because I have been blessed with a special little boy. We have a strong desire to have more children in our home to raise and to love.

The topic of adoption has been on the table for quite some time. I have felt that this is the direction we should go in trying to grow our family. I am so grateful for the blessing of birth parents who have such a great love for their child and are so selfless. Our lives will, one day, be so blessed because the option to adopt is available to us.

I know that God has a plan for our family and that brings me peace. I hope and pray that as we go forward with the desire to have more children that there is someone out there whose heart will be touched and they will allow us to raise and love their very special baby.

Us In a Nutshell

Mike and I met in college. We dated for about three years before we were married, two of those years were long distance while I finished nursing school and Mike worked. We were married in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple.

Mike is currently working in sales while he is finishing his Bachelors degree in Business. He would then like to attend a Masters program to receive his CPA. Mike is a hard worker and very intelligent. He loves academia, reading and learning are his favorite things to do. He is so curious and is a very good conversationalist as well. He really seems to have a knack for business and is always looking into and learning about how the world of business works. Mike also has an interest in people and helping out when he can.

Mike is a very good dad. He loves Caden and is so good to take the time to play with him and spend time with him. They are very cute together and love each other very much. (I love to hear them playing together while I am making dinner.) Mike is good to jump in and help with Caden and things around the house.

Mike loves his family and strives constantly to be a good provider, husband, and father. Mike has very high expectations of himself and works very hard to meet those goals. I am very proud of him for all that he does.

I am an RN working part time in an NICU. I enjoy taking care of the babies and helping their families cope during such a difficult time. It is fulfilling work and I am glad to know that I can make such a big difference in the lives of others.

I am also a mother of one of the cutest little boys ever. Caden is the light of my life. I really enjoy being his mom. It is one of the best things I have ever done. Being a mom is definitely challenging, but very fulfilling as well. Caden and I have a great time together. I love watching him and interacting with him. He is so curious and oh so smart. I am really going to have to keep on my toes as he is growing up.

Most of my time is spent with Caden or at work, but when I do have free time I enjoy spending time with Mike, reading, watching movies, keeping in touch with my family, getting together with friends (Caden and I do this together quite a bit too), and being outside. I have different hobbies that I seem to do on and off. These include home improvement projects, art, and I used to run quite a bit (this is one that I would really like to get back into. It is just so hard to get past that getting started partt! :) )

I really love my family and want the very best for them. I am grateful for Mike and Caden, they are such a blessing to me. I am grateful for the wonderful life that God has blessed me with. I also appreciate the lessons I have learned from the trials and challenges that have been in my life so far. I look forward to the future and what life will bring.

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