Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our Surprise Trip To Utah

My mom called last week to tell me that she would not be able to go on a trip that she was supposed to go on with her husband and would be home without him. Naturally my response was to tell her to come on out for a visit. She had other plans in mind, so now here we are in Utah visiting our family. (Thanks Papa Ron!)

We only had four days to wait and get ready. The night before we were supposed to leave Caden spiked a temp. I took him to the immediate care first thing in the morning. (Thank goodness we did not have an early morning flight.) The doctor said that his ears were fine but his throat was very red. The strep culture was negative and we would just have to wait it out. She said that he was fine to go on the trip and to have fun. We arrived safely and were so excited to see everyone. I was concerned about him being contageous and being around everyone. We decided to take it easy and hang out around the house to give him a few days to rest and recover.

We woke up the next morning and I noticed some little red bumps on his feet and hands. I had heard some of the gals at work talking about their kids having hand, foot, and mouth (a very common childhood illness). So I Googled it. I'm thinking that is what we are dealing with here and my sweet little boy has been so sick.

My heart just hurts for him when I see him feeling so crummy. His tongue hurts because there are big sores on it and he hasn't eaten much of anything for a couple of days. Yesterday was the worst and his fever was high. He seems more like himself today which makes me relieved and oh so glad. I was worried about him.

Things like this bring you to your knees a little more often and make you really look at all the things you are grateful for. I am grateful that I am Caden's mom and that I help him feel safe and secure and most importantly loved. I am glad that I am the one he wants when he needs help or needs someone to help him feel better. That is the best feeling in the whole world. I am also glad to be here with family while we are waiting this thing out. It is definitely better to be here with all of them then home alone and board.

So needless to say, we are staying at home with Nana so as to not expose everyone to this really fun virus. We are glad that some of our family was able to come to the house to see us that are not little kids, well at least not physically! :)


  1. I'm glad that he is doing better! I have some clothes for Caden (like 2 garbage bags full... can I bring them down. I forgot them last night...)


  2. Ps. I like your new blog template! Very professional!


  3. I'm the Illinois Chair person for IL-FSA - if you're interested, we're posting "hope to adopt" blogs on the FSA blog; illinoisfsa {dot} blogspot {dot} com If you're interested in having it posted, email me (either personal email or from the IL-FSA blog) -- if not, no worries! (Love your background!)



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